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God Stories Radio

Thank you for listening. God Stories Radio's mission is to bring Hope and Comfort to the world, through the power of the Christian Testimony.

Jul 31, 2013

Mike and Fritz from God Stories Radio host Jessica who brings us an" hour of power" through her testimony called "Beauty From Ashes." Jessica was raped,broken,and hopeless. See how she overcame condemnation, through Jesus Christ, Celebrate Recovery, and Teen Challenge.

Join us for an amazing time with Jessica who leaves...

Jul 24, 2013

Join Mike and Fritz from God Stories Radio as they host a very special guest. Shelia Quinn. She shares how God turned tragedy into triumph. A moving testimony for anyone who has suffered mental and physical abuse from a spouse or loved one. Shelia has aspirations of one day heading up Divorce Care for women at Real Life.

Jul 18, 2013

New Version of session 8 hosted by Mike and Fritz of God Stories Radio.

Jul 10, 2013

Fritz and Mike of God Stories Radio as they host the guys from the up and coming men's ministry entitled W.A.R "Are You Ready." Join John, Joe, and Ken as they share their respective roles and vision for the ministry. Great time of sharing and fellowship in the kitchen. A MUST listen for ALL men.

Jul 3, 2013

Fritz and Mike talk about the sometimes very frustrating conversations you have with the Father when you dont understand your circumstances, and you are physically exhausted. Fritz shares a little about his testimony, being a single parent to a special needs child and having to go through many physical trials, some...